This immersive theatrical installation uses nearly 5,000 points of lights and hundreds of speakers (496-channel sound) to create an interactive theatrical cosmos where viewers become active explorers, discovering the traces of themselves in light, the universe, and those who have been here before us. An unseen narrator guides you through a darkened space, the light points responding to the presence and the movements of each individual …
You can sign up for a Guided Journey for up to eight people (45 minutes or so) or get an entry time for the Open Universe self-guided installation (up to 40 people, go at your own pace (up to an hour). It’s free, but pre-register for a ticket – and most of the eight-person Guided Experiences have already sold out. There are sessions between 2.30 and 5.30pm and 7-11pm every day between 5 and 10 September.
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