
Artists for SB14

The next Sharjah Biennial – SB14, running 7 March to 10 June 2019 – will show just short of 90 artists from around the globe and more than 60 new commissions. There’s a very contemporary curatorial theme: Leaving the Echo [ … ]


First SB14 artists named

Sharjah Art Foundation has announced the initial selection of participating artists for Sharjah Biennial 14, opening in March 2019. SB14 has the subtitle Leaving the Echo Chamber. It will feature three distinct exhibitions by the three curators Zoe Butt, Omar Kholeif [ … ]


Monira al Qadiri for Abu Dhabi Art

The organisers of Abu Dhabi Art chose 23 March to announce that Monira Al Qadiri “has been commissioned to provide works for the visual campaign of Abu Dhabi Art 2018”. Surely this couldn’t have been timed to compete for the [ … ]