
Good taste: dinner and a show

It is fair to say that not everyone wants a man dressed as a rabbit as an accompaniment to dinner. An increasing number of people do, however. “We’re working to change the perception of the phrase ‘dinner show’ together,” says [ … ]


For the love of cinema: inside Cinema Akil

Cinema Akil is “an Independent cinema platform dedicated to showcasing the best of arthouse, independent, alternative and classic films”, says co-founder Butheina Kazim. So no pressure then. In fact Cinema Akil is delivering the goods, putting on pop-up programmes around [ … ]


Art on the edge? Art Hub’s aspirations

It’s become a commonplace that centres of art can turn up in rundown neighbourhoods or industrial wastelands, and actually thrive there given the advantages of low rents, large spaces and (eventually) a community of like-minded practitioners. Tick two of those [ … ]

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Art Dubai adds lustre to selectors

Art Dubai has added three new members to its gallery Selection and Advisory Committees, all of them good names to be seen with and all firm supporters of the fair. Glenn Scott Wright (co-director of Victoria Miro in London) and [ … ]